By the time the weekend arrived I was starting to feel the heaviness of the dreary weather... and I also must admit that the responsibility of being primary care for a completely dependent little munchkin can sometimes be a little overwhelming and it definitely takes its toll. I felt like I was almost about to fall apart.
Saturday afternoon I was preparing to host book club. Something I was looking so forward to. (I love all the ladies in our book club. We meet whenever we can and visiting with them always cheers me up!) Anyways... I was just trying to avoid a meltdown while I was getting ready cuz I knew I'd get a good dose of cheer with the ladies in a few hours and that everything would be ok...BUT... I could feel the tears brewing and the meltdown crashing towards me...
the most amazing man came to me and said..."honey why don't you get outta here right now and go check out that store downtown that you've been jonesing to browse!"
and then I cried... and pulled myself together...and with a gingerbread latte in hand, I shopped! Alone, in my favorite store... sigh.
The rest of my evening was so lovely. Us ladies had a great visit discussed our not so recent read, and picked out our next.
Wayne is such a great man. He knows just how to cheer me up and I am so thankful for such an understanding husband.
A+ Mr. Winsor ;)