Friday, November 27, 2009

a thousand words

Well here they are...a few of our favorites!
I'll let them do all the talking.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Christmas Tree Dilemma

I can't wait to pull out all of the Christmas boxes and get the decorations up... which I think I will work on this week. But we have one kinda major problem when it comes to the traditional focus of Christmas decor.
Not only do we have a tiny little living room, but we have decided to keep out house on the market through the holiday season. The tree we usually use makes our space feel maybe a wee bit too "cozy". So I am looking for some alternative ideas to a Christmas tree this year. So far this is all I've found... and I've got to admit... not really any of them suit my style.

Do you have any other ideas? The tree needs to use space efficiently and be economical too...

Monday, November 23, 2009

the most amazing man

By the time the weekend arrived I was starting to feel the heaviness of the dreary weather... and I also must admit that the responsibility of being primary care for a completely dependent little munchkin can sometimes be a little overwhelming and it definitely takes its toll. I felt like I was almost about to fall apart.
Saturday afternoon I was preparing to host book club. Something I was looking so forward to. (I love all the ladies in our book club. We meet whenever we can and visiting with them always cheers me up!) Anyways... I was just trying to avoid a meltdown while I was getting ready cuz I knew I'd get a good dose of cheer with the ladies in a few hours and that everything would be ok...BUT... I could feel the tears brewing and the meltdown crashing towards me...
the most amazing man came to me and said..."honey why don't you get outta here right now and go check out that store downtown that you've been jonesing to browse!"
and then I cried... and pulled myself together...and with a gingerbread latte in hand, I shopped! Alone, in my favorite store... sigh.
The rest of my evening was so lovely. Us ladies had a great visit discussed our not so recent read, and picked out our next.
Wayne is such a great man. He knows just how to cheer me up and I am so thankful for such an understanding husband.

A+ Mr. Winsor ;)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

For the love of sleep.

So my day is coming to a close... I must say it's my favorite time of day. I have a few spare minutes to myself before bed to wind down and get ready to turn in. With Simon tucked cozy in his crib it's my turn to relax. In these precious solitary moments I like to...

~ work on my latest crafty project
~ read, a recently acquired hobby that i adore
~ take in some quality entertainment
(grays.private practice.big bang theory.)
~ test my knowledge of wine
(don't know much but my knowledge in this category is ever expanding)
~ the occasional bubble bath

Some or all of these activities combined also make for a 5 star evening :)

Now it's off to finish some Christmas cards, then bed for me.
Goodnight All!

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Colenutt Wedding

This weekend I had the pleasure of attending a very special wedding! Weddings are generally beautiful and precious occasions, however this one was particularly so. My cousin Libby and I have a special relationship that has grown from bickering toddlers into a sisterhood of sorts. Everything about the wedding was absolutely stunning!
Here are some of my favorite memories of the day.

Family Photos


The Dance

Jiving it up

Peter & Elizabeth Colenutt
November 14, 2009
Ceremony: Hope Reformed Church
Reception: Beatty Street Drill Hall

Friday, November 13, 2009

In my spare time...

Well being that this is our blog I guess it's about time I did a post. As some people know last year I decided to join the Canadian Ski Patrol Systems, I'm not sure if I was having a "hero complex" or just somehow thought I needed more to do! So last spring I completed all my on hill training and I have spent the last 10 weeks juggling work schedules and family time. So that I was able to attend a 4 hour class every Tuesday and Thursday then do about 4 hours homework every week. Well now that all the training is over and I have passed the testing I know how to splint your broken leg or wrist, strap you to a back board and get you off the mountain in a toboggan. Hopefully my duties at Sun Peaks this winter won't involve too many serious injuries, but if they do happen we'll be there to help. Now all we need is some more snow! If you have some time check out the CSPS website See you on the mountain I'll be up there every second Sunday starting Nov. 22.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

...a moment of silence

I have listened to stories my Grandfather has told about living in the war with sheer amazement, not being able to comprehend the emotion of it all. Imagine hearing an alarm go off in your city and having to go running through the streets to a special underground shelter...and then not making it into the shelter in time, (or just out right refusing to go). So you watch the glow of bombs that litter the night sky and listen to the whistle of the bombs soaring through the air, praying that you and your family will be spared. Then deciding to risk your life and the lives of your family members to try and escape. You travel with no more than the clothes on your back through the mountains and to the border of the neighboring country, where you may or may not be welcomed. To be accepted is life...a strange life in a strange culture with a language and customs you don't understand. A life of sacrifice and learning and not fitting in, being the outsider from an enemy country. But life nevertheless, a new beginning. Unfortunately there are hundreds of thousands of families who share this story.

These stories are all I know of war besides what we all see on tv and in the movies. Taking full advantage of all of the freedoms that I have been so blessed to enjoy has come with ease. Never having experienced war personally makes it very simple to go about my everyday life without even a thought to the sacrifices that have been made for me to live with the basic liberties that are my right as a human being. The privilege to love my God, speak what's on my heart, bear and raise my children with the values I hold dear, to be educated and work, to love and be loved.

So let us pause, share a moment of silence to remember all of the men, and women who have selflessly given their lives so that we may enjoy ours freely.

Monday, November 9, 2009

In Honor of Monday Night

The whole universe was in a hot dense sleep...

the most hilarious show EVER...we think so anyway! Laughing our butts off as we speak :)

check it out

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Shout out to all my fellow holiday addicts.

Every fall as the weather cools and the stores fill with holiday cheer, it's almost as if I can feel the glitter of it all running through my veins. I can't help but be taken over with excitement the coming festivities brings. By the time November comes, it's like I'm wearing a holiday themed blindfold. My life becomes a collection of lists, full of ideas for decorating, gift giving, and party planning. For example I went to the supermarket today for cucumbers ( a salad must have) and left with a cart full of Christmas decorations! As I sit here on my couch just writing about Christmas I am getting butterflies in my the kind you get when your falling in love!!! How pathetic is that, however I certainly am not the only one.

Butterflies anyone? Well I suppose that's enough for today... but really I could go on forever!

Thanks to for all the beautiful photos!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

C'mon In!

I thought I'd invite you into my home today... I love my home, even though it is not very practical for a family (4 level split town home = millions of stairs). It has a very unique layout with super high ceilings, and I must say I haven't seen many homes quite like it. As you can tell from the pictures I really feel most comfortable in my home when everything is in it's place. Whatever the colour scheme I like for my space to be warm and inviting. The colours in my home right now are all very warm and neutral which is a really safe and easy palate for me. Anywho, enough jabbering... here's a peek!

Exterior...Tall and Slim, looks pretty plain from the outside. Nothing is as it seems.

Living room... here's a look at my beautiful ceilings! LOVE!

And the rest of my living room comfy cozy...

Kitchen & Dining room... once again it looks small BUT there's tonnes of counter space and all the storage you need!

The Big Backyard... Actually it's a cement patio...perfect for relaxing with a bevy! And it's on a green belt complete privacy... until the drunk naked neighbor hops the fence :s (A story for another day)

Our Bedroom... It's very simple and sparse. Who can relax in clutter? Not I!

The En suite... Now that I've experienced this luxury, I don't think I could ever go back. The down side... ANOTHER bathroom to clean, but totally worth it!
And Finally Simon's Room... Once again LESS is MORE.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Slide of hand

It may be hard to tell because this puppy is just sooo cute, but he is actually a real little boy! Who knew?

This Halloween we had made arrangements to go out for a night with friends... like the best of plans ours were foild by an ensuing empidmic. Instead we spent the night with our sweet son ... er...puppy ;) Which was absolutely delightful!