Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A sigh of relief

Well today is a very happy day for us... I got a call from our Realtor last night and he said, "Congratulations, we have a sold house!" The subjects officially come off this afternoon, but nonetheless I feel like I a can exhale. Today I will also be touring the home we have our eye on with my father and an inspector to see if there are any red flags that my untrained eye has missed. Unfortunately Wayne must work so he will miss out on the inspection. So the beginning of this year also marks a new beginning for our family in our new home...Hopefully we'll last a little longer in it than we have in previous ones.

Monday, December 28, 2009

The Big Party!

Well last week was such a full week with Simon's birthday right on top of Christmas and all I've done for you is reminisce... So here's what actually happened this year!

Simon's birthday was so special! We were able to rent a room at the local zoo, there were just more guests than our home would hold and it's not exactly a season you can just hang out at the park. It worked out really well because every Christmas the zoo puts on a display with lights strung out into different shapes so it gave us a nice location for his birthday with a place to warm up and do cake and stuff like that too...I was so caught up in "Simon's birthday" that I forgot to take any pictures of the lights, but there was an ark filled with animals and a frog pond, a nativity scene, and countless other illuminated was actually quite pretty.

We did take a tour around the park on their little train... Simons favorite part was definitely the generaters strategically set up across the park. I thought that was quite hilarious. It was soooo cold we didn't really spend much time outside though. Immediately after the train came to a halt our party of passengers made a mad dash for the indoors. wasn't that bad...but close. We warmed up with some yummy hot chocolate and home baked goods. Then we did all the traditional party things like the happy birthday song with cake and gifts. Simon thought all the attention was pretty neat. Close to 8 pm as our party was winding down we turned out the lights in the room and had front row seats to the little fireworks display to finish our night with a bang!

Here are a few captured memories from the evening...

I tried to make little spider cakes...of course they didn't turn out exactly how I pictured them... but they were cute, and kinda fit in the theme

...and the train

Proud Mom & Dad...It was sure cold out!

It was so hilarious to watch him with the cake...He got so excited as soon as he tasted it and it was literally gone in a matter of minutes.

Simon really appreciated all of his gifts. He was so excited about all the attention, and loved the fireworks too!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas All

Photo thanks to The Nativity Story

I wish everyone a very
Merry Christmas
I pray that you are all showered with blessings
As we have been.

The Birth of Jesus
About that time Caesar Augustus ordered a census to be taken throughout the Empire. This was the first census when Quirinius was governor of Syria. Everyone had to travel to his own ancestral hometown to be accounted for. So Joseph went from the Galilean town of Nazareth up to Bethlehem in Judah, David's town, for the census. As a descendant of David, he had to go there. He went with Mary, his fiancee, who was pregnant.
While they were there, the time came for her to give birth. She gave birth to a son, her firstborn. She wrapped him in a blanket and laid him in a manger, because there was no room in the hostel.

An Event for Everyone
There were sheepherders camping in the neighborhood. They had set night watches over their sheep. Suddenly, God's angel stood among them and God's glory blazed around them. They were terrified. The angel said, "Don't be afraid. I'm here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody, worldwide: A Savior has just been born in David's town, a Saviour who is Messiah and Master. This is what you're to look for: a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a manger."
At once the angel was joined by a huge angelic choir singing God's praises"

Glory to God in the heavely heights,
Peace to all men and women on earth who please him.

As the angel choir withdrew into heaven, the sheepherders talked it over. "Let's get over to Bethlehem as fast as we can and see for ourselves what God has revealed to us." The left, running, and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger. Seeing was believing. They told everyone they met what the angels had said about this child. All who heard the sheepherders were impressed.
Mary kept all these things to herself, holding them dear, deep within herself. The sheepherders returned and let loose, glorifying and praising God for everything they had heard and seen. It turned out exactly the way they'd been told!

Luke 2: 1-20

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Very Special Time Of Year

This post will be some entries from my journal last Christmas...which I don't remember at all because it was completely overshadowed by the arrival of our little bundle, Simon :)

December 21, 2008
Well it's 6 o'clock in the a.m. I think I've been up since around 3:30 or so... just can't sleep.
Wayne had yesterday off and he'll be off until Jan 2nd! I'm thankful for these couple of day's we'll have before baby. I think we're still pretty awestruck at whats about to happen. Some time tomorrow we'll have a little baby to love and care for. The idea is so surreal I don't think there's any way our hearts could be prepared for this. We'll just have to wait and experience it ourselves.

December 22, 2008
This morning we got up bright and early, we had to be at the hospital by 8. We arrived on time and went to the Labor and Delivery floor. Our nurse, Wanda, got me changed and hooked up to a monitor right away. We were hoping to go in as soon as we arrived but we knew that would never happen. Our nurse checked to see when we would most likely get called and they told her it wouldn't be until after noon for sure. I was anxious and super hungry. Even though I was in the hospital about to have my baby I couldn't wrap my head around it. The rest of the day felt like a dream, partly because of the serious drugs I'm sure... At around noon Wanda took us across the hall to the maternity floor and we got settled into our room for what we thought was going to be a long wait. Our new nurse Cara came and introduced herself to us. She told us that she had just checked in with the OR and they tolder her not till after supper!
About an hour later I'd settled into the movie WALL.E and Cara came back in a panic and said ,"Ok, lets go have this baby!" The nurses shooed me into the hall onto the transport bed and forced me to swallow the most nasty stomach neutralizing solution known to man. They were telling us we really needed to hurry and before you knew it we were off to the OR. Wayne had about ten seconds to call mom and let her know it was time.
It was time to meet my baby and I still didn't understand exactly what was going on. Talk about nerves and anxiety...everything was sooo rushed too so that didn't help at all. They wheeled us into the OR waiting room where we had to stay for a bit. I was so scared and very close to tears...I almost couldn't hold them in. After a bout half and hour the nurse came back and took me into the OR to be prepared for the operation...without Wayne. Now I know this is standard proceedure, but it was the worst part for me. I was terrified, all I wanted was for him to be there with me, and I knew he was just as scared on his own out in the waiting room. I just had to breath deeply and try no to let my nerves get the best of me.
The room was very intimidating. What I remember the most are the three huge spaceship shaped lamps over top of the bed that I was lying on and all of the people in the room...Everyone said there would be a lot of people in there and not to worry, but it still surprised me. They put up the curtain after I had my spinal, then the doctors cam in and got set up... FINALLY they let Wayne in! I was so happy and relieved to see him. He said that he'd seen Elna out in the waiting room (a family friend who works in the OR). I thought that was so great 'cuz it she was able to distract him from the worry a little bit.
Before I knew it the doctors were telling Wayne to have a look at his new baby boy! It was so surreal. They put this little guy on my chest and I couldn't believe he was mine. We took a few pictures and just hung out while they sewed my back up.When they were done Wayne went down to the nursery with the babe and I went to the recovery room. I was in there for not quite and hour but it felt like an eternity. They wheeled me back down to maternity and it took 5 nurses to heave me over onto my bed. Once I was settled Wayne and the baby come down and I got to hold him for real... The nurse who handed him to me was like, "Ok...time to put him on your boob!" For some reason I forgot that he needed to eat right away and thought that I'd just be able to look him over and cuddle him...then I realized that I'd never breast fed anyone before and started to have a mini panick attack. (so funny now looking back). So... we had to try breast feeding out right away. Our nurse coached me and it went well.
We talked about what we might name our boy and we weren't quite sure but all we knew is that he just wasn't Jack. We had a few visitors that first day...Mom, Maggie, Sam, Ryan, Beki, and Chris. Not too many, but it was just right.

We were released from the Hospital on Christmas day. It felt so good to be home.
Thanks for taking this trip down memory lane with me!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Picture Perfect

I was doing some browsing on Etsy today and I came across this amazing artist with a few pieces that I just HAVE to have!

The Barnacle Whale

You and Me

The store is Native Vermont Studio
ooops...where did that hour go?
Getting lost on Etsy is about the easiest thing a woman can do!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tids and Bits

Sarah Louise

· November 29

· Aesthetician, and Mother extraordinaire

· Enjoys… certain domestic activities including: baking & cooking for friends, hosting various festive gatherings, anything that involves spending time with friends or family, card making, scrapbooking (both old school paper, & digital), books and reading, wine tasting, music and singing (in the shower & car), not to mention the more recent seamstress fever.

· My most favorite things include: acoustic piano’s (they look and sound beautiful, I hope to own one someday), my new sewing machine, watching my son discover new things, helping someone forget about their situation and relax…even if it’s just for an hour or so, (if you can’t tell), 3 doors down, Francine Rivers, Roasted Garlic & Red Pepper Popcorn, art & artistic people, Psalm 42:5 for when I’m feeling low…
Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul?
Why are you crying the blues?
Fix my eyes on God –
soon I’ll be praising again.
He puts a smile on my face.
He’s my God.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Sarah's Christmas Baking List 2009

Every year I create a list of goodies I plan on making for the holiday season. I don't know why but I rarely ever make the same treats each year. What can I say...variety is the spice of life :) Anyways I thought I'd Share this list with you since I am so excited to make everything on it...

Who knows maybe you'll get to try some ;)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wednesday Afternoon Treasure Hunt

This afternoon Simon and I bundled up to go on a little hunt for some pine cones! I wasn't sure how many nice ones I would find because it is way past time for collecting them but luckily we have a pine tree forest in our back yard, so I was able to get just enough! I was in the midst of climbing up the little hill that leads to the hopefully not too dead pine tree forest behind our place when I realized that it was actually a really steep treacherous mountain that I was stumbling up (a little more entertaining than we bargained for). I didn't want to climb back down the hill with Simon in his wrap because I have a history of falling down hills just like this one, and I thought it would be kind of cruel to flatten the boy in the process. So we headed up...and up...and up...into part of the protected park in our neighborhood. There are trails and pine trees everywhere it is actually quite beautiful...I wonder why we don't go out there more often... hmm...

It is so precious to watch him discover new things! I must say, as always, he was a trooper as I crouched down and squashed him every time I went to pick up a perspective pine cone. Eventually we could see the high way from the trail and he was content watching the big trucks go by...bbrrrrbrrrrrbrrrrbbrrrr, which means "car" in Simon's language. So Sweet.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Speaking of Sewing...

This past Sunday was my birthday...and it was WONDERFUL! We spent the day with friends and family, and even went for a little road Sunpeaks. It was beautiful, and it feels like Christmas up there! Oh my word, so much snow! Anyways... I had a choice in my gift this year. It was between a REAL piece of artwork or a sewing machine. This was an incredibly hard decision. I LOVE art. I think it is so amazing what people are capable of creating. So we looked around all sorts of different artsy places in town but nothing really jumped out at me (that we could afford) and being (hopefully) on the cusp of a move I'd like to wait and see what kind of pieces I'd like for the new place. By process of elimination, and with much excitement I would like to introduce you to my new sewing machine!

I am waiting for her to arrive from the warehouse with great anticipation. Every day I stumble across more and more projects that I can't wait to try. I know the hardest part of getting this machine will be to finish one project before I start the next...this will be my goal!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Some Inspiration.

I have been feeling extra crafty this holiday season. It's like I'm having a contest with myself to see how much more I can load onto my plate than I did the previous year. I am most excited to share my debut in "soft sculptures" with you... they are not yet completed but I thought I'd share with you some of the inspirations and tips I've come across for this special little project. There are a few skills necessary for making these soft creatures that I find a little tricky, and I have a lot to learn when it comes to sewing. I think this little felt filled adventure has ignited a bit of an obsession...we'll see how long it lasts for!
This simple tutorial teaches you how to make a tidy little has been so useful to me because I have had trouble making a knot substantial enough to do the job without making my little creature all lumpy and rather hideous. The pictures I've posted today are not my creations, but they are my inspiration(and mine surely won't be quite so grand). Abby Glassenburg is the creative talent behind these magnificent soft sculptures.
You can see more of her work on Etsy, or check out her blog for fun craft ideas and previews of her projects.

I'll post picts of my own creations when they have been completed. Wish me luck!

oh and before I forget...
Andrea Boccelli's new Christmas Album is AMAZING!